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Does Your Company Branding Match Your Message?

Updated: Apr 3, 2020

Have you ever picked up marketing materials or visited a company's website and gotten confused about what they actually do? Was the website outdated, crammed with content that didn't make sense or had terrible branding? If you have, then that company is most likely missing out on hundreds of potential customers just like you. Don't be that company.

What you are saying and selling should always match up. If it does not, you might be keeping your company in the red much longer than it should be.

As a business owner, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing website analytics with a high bounce rate or dollars down the drain on printed materials that don't promote the right message.

Promotional Flyer & Logo Design for our client; Cunningham Cleaning Solutions.
Promotional Flyer & Logo Design for our client; Cunningham Cleaning Solutions.

What you may be doing is pushing a mis-matched message about what your company offers. This is a critical mistake that will most likely break the first impression of the products or services you are selling.

On average, it takes about 45 seconds for a potential customer to navigate through your website. If they spend those 45 seconds trying to figure out your purpose, they will walk away frustrated and most likely forgetting about you. If your message is not clear, how can you provide them with solutions?

To curb any more potential customer loss, contact us so we can create an effective brand identity strategy that will turn you in the right direction. We're here to help you win.

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